
Menampilkan postingan dari Maret, 2020

Recount Experience

    Recount Experience Soon my fast is praying that this virus will pass quickly and be able to carry out activities as usual Now the government is asking people to social distance or if there is no urgent need, it is better not to go anywhere As a lesson, I was closed for 3 weeks and learning continued as usual, but the difference was that the study was at home, and the teachers always gave assignments on time to their students and some even gave assignments when the red date. In my opinion, I personally prefer to go to school than on holiday but I am not allowed to go anywhere Actually, this holiday at home is very boring, but to not get bored, I occupy myself with my chores, helping my mother clean the house, watch movies and play cellphones. Soon my fast is praying that this virus will pass quickly and be able to carry out activities as usualy.

Ekonomi bumn dan bumd

Badan usaha milik negara (BUMN) —dahulu dikenal sebagai  perusahaan negara (PN) —adalah perusahaan  yang dimiliki baik sepenuhnya, sebagian besar, maupun sebagian kecil oleh pemerintah dan pemerintah memberi kontrol terhadapnya. [1]  Yang membedakan BUMN dengan badan lain milik pemerintah adalah status badan hukum dan sifat operasionalnya (seperti aktivitas dan tujuan komersialnya). Meski BUMN berperan dalam melaksanakan kebijakan publik (misalnya perusahaan perkeretaapian  milik negara bertujuan untuk mempermudah akses dan mobilitas masyarakat), BUMN harus dibedakan dari kementrian, lembaga pemerintahan nonkementrian , nonstruktural,  dan badan layanan umum. Badan usaha milik daerah  ( BUMD ) adalah perusahaan yang didirikan dan dimiliki oleh kementrian daerah  Kewenangan pemerintah daerah membentuk dan mengelola BUMD ditegaskan dalam peraturan pemerintah  No. 25 Tahun 2000  tentang kewenangan pemerintah dan kewenangan provisi  sebagai daerah otonom. Fenia Ivananda Wintanti

Teks re count

   Museum MPU Purwa tourist favorite to visit. Malang has the most complete tourist attraction in East Java. Ranging from mountain tours, waterfalls, artificial tours, beaches, culinary, shopping there are all in the city of Malang. But do you know that in the city of Malang there is also historical tourism. There are many temples that still exist in Malang. There are also historical museums located in Malang. Maybe historical tourism is considered not too attractive by people today. But make no mistake, in Malang a recent historical tour has been inaugurated, namely the Mpu Purwa Museum Formerly the Mpu Purwa museum was named the Mpu Purwa Archaeological Rescue Hall Building, and was inaugurated by the mayor of Malang at the time Drs. Peni Suparto. After being revitalized since 2014 until it was finally opened and re-inaugurated yesterday on July 14, 2018 by the Minister of Education and Culture Prof. Dr. Muhajir Effendy by the name of MPU Purwa Museum. Mpu Purba Museu
                             RORO MENDUT       Roro Mendut is an ordinary girl who grew up on the coast. It grows to be strong and agile because of the penchant playing on the beach sand. Unlike other girls, Roro Mendut was not willing to be edited by the duke of the prince. One time there was a big battle that caused Roro Mendut to be Boyong's daughter for Mataram. Because Sultan Agung was very happy and deigned to present all the spoils of war to Tumenggung Wiroguno who succeeded in leading the suppression of the Duchy uprising on the north coast of Java in the XVII century. In Mataram, he was chosen to dance at the welcoming ceremony of the Commander in Chief Wiroguno. Wiroguno was fascinated by Roro Mendut's beauty and wanted to make a concubine. Roro Mendut refused to be a concubine. Wiroguno was devastated and his pride collapsed, because Roro Mendut refused. For the sake of upholding his dignity and self-respect, Wiroguno punished Roro Mendut for paying a huge